Your NIP-05 identifier provider.

Privacy Policy

February 28th 2023

  1. We do share your NIP-05 identity with other nostr relays, obviously.
  2. We do not use any analytics or tracking tools.
  3. This website does not use cookies, apart from the login session. However, your IP address may be collected as part of basic webserver logs necessary for systems administration purposes.
  4. We do not collect or store information, expect the information that is attached directly to your NIP-05 identity. Deleting your NIP-05 identity removes information attached it from our database.
  5. We do not share any information with advertisers or similar third parties.
  6. We cannot access or control your nostr client.
  7. We are and act as your data processor. In other words: You are responsible for the content you create on or upload to TERRA NOSTR, which we store and process to provide our services to you.